You might be wondering what the Collective has been up to lately? (ahem!!! did you miss projection fest? and car-free day? )
But seriously, the Collective has been going through a bit of a restructure and a checking in to see where we should go next. To do so, we did what all good orgs do, we had a strategic planning day and as all good orgs do, we held it at the central cultural institution, the pub.

It was a great opportunity to look at the achievements of a bunch of volunteers that spans back 8 years as well as a moment to ask the question, what do we do now. We started with tactical urbanism, we did a lot of community-building events (see Vic Park Soup, Park Flicks, Collective Conversations and more) then we moved into a space of deeper thinking and policy design (see Urban Forest Strategy or Streets Ahead) and now we are thinking about what is next.

Our town has moved on since the inception of the Collective and so too has the role of the Collective. One member of our committee made the assessment that the role of the Collective was to be a vehicle to do dumb shit. Others pointed out that the work we do is poignant and profound in creating culture locally. Currently, in the background we are working on these projects:
Vic Park Soup
two new Collective Conversation
Car-free Day
a local currency
the Collective Shed - a library of things
Art & Mural map, &
a lasagne bake-off competition.
So I guess what we're saying is, we are about to launch a new strategic plan, we've got lots going on out of sight and if you're interested in helping, joining the Collective or volunteering; we'd love to hear from you! Coz remember you're a citizen, not a consumer.