how we got started
The Vic Park Collective is an enthusiastic, like-minded bunch of locals who live, work and play around Victoria Park and share a love of our vibrant inner-city suburb.
Driven by genuine passion to make significant and positive changes, the group is a collective voice of the neighbourhood and works to encourage collaborations between businesses, residents and the Town of Victoria Park to make the area “uniquely awesome”.
The Collective acknowledges Victoria Park’s rich cultural history, diverse social make-up and the aspirations of local people to build a dynamic and prosperous community. We hope to inspire and excite in a way that makes people want to get involved in their own community.
The Vic Park Collective was the brainchild of two Victoria Park locals, Sarita Leal (who grew up and now owns a business in Vic Park) and Flavia Pardini (who lives and works in the neighbourhood). In 2013, they started the Collective, inviting others to join conversations and projects to make the area more fun, interesting and sustainable.
Since then, the Vic Park Collective has grown more than 400 members with a committee that meets monthly and several volunteer working groups that work hard to bring exciting projects and special events to Vic Park each year.
"The Vic Park Collective is helping make Vic Park uniquely awesome."

“Vic Park is diverse with a good mix of local small businesses, social housing, a worker and student cohort and various ethnic communities. It’s everything you want to see in an exciting urban village. Making it more creative, inclusive, active and connected just enhances its value to all.”
- Collective co-founder Flavia Pardini

“In establishing the Vic Park Collective, it was really important to us to reach a healthy balance of residents and local business in the member base so we could become a collective voice of the neighbourhood. It’s amazing to see all the hidden talent and skills our people have in the community.”
- Collective co-founder Sarita Leal