vic park soup

Following the footsteps of Detroit Soup, Vic Park Soup is a micro-granting dinner for creative projects that benefit the Vic Park community.
Victoria Park residents, enthusiasts and supporters pay $10 for a bowl of soup and a vote. Over dinner, they listen to four-minute pitches from up to four people working on projects that help the local community. Each diner can cast a vote.
The winning project goes home with all the cash raised at the door and have the opportunity to return to future Vic Park Soup dinners to update participants about their projects.
Previous Winners
The inaugural Vic Park Soup winner was Alana Fluit from Give A Damn who was granted $830 to transform land behind the Christian Centre for Social Action at 879 Albany Highway into a garden that uses scraps from the centre’s kitchen to make compost and supply produce to help feed the homeless in Vic Park.
Young Shay Downey endeared the second Vic Park Soup audience with his project of making turtle themed calico bags as a way of reducing plastic waste and helping marine life. He took around $800 home and raised Vic Park’s hopes for future generations.
Marisa Spina created the GigStartIT project, which provides microloans to young local musicians to cover insurance, busking licences, equipment and other small costs that can often hinder musicians starting out in the industry.
Luke Garswood won support for his Acknowledge Exhibition, which called for locals to contribute a piece of art or writing inspired by a significant older person in their life. Showcased at the Vic Park Centre for the Arts, the exhibition aimed to break down stereotypes and celebrate seniors and the impact they have on our lives.
Our June 2016 winner was Rahul from Perth Active Depression Support Group (PADSG) - a meetup group for people battling mental health. Rahul thought up the idea for PADSG as a way to meet like minded people & participate in activities, improving mental wellbeing. He donated a quarter of his funds to GenWHY depression support group and the rest of the funds will go towards board games and other activities.
Our July 2017 winner was Adrian from Optin to Life which connects new Mums with volunteers in their local community. Optin believe a mother’s health is central to the health of her family, and her community. Social support is evidence based prevention and treatment for postnatal mental ill-health. Optin reduces isolation by empowering women to help each other.
Our October 2017 winner was Lenny who is starting a charity called Basics for Blokes, a brother charity to the already existing Essentials for Women - a non-profit association that aims to generate donations of underwear, sanitary products and other essential toiletries for women in need.
Our August 2018 winner was Heather who used her winnings to help cover costs to travel to the World’s first forum into Urban Forestry in Mantua, Italy. She hopes to further her knowledge of Urban Forestry issues and methods to help the Vic Park community to implement the Urban Forest Strategy.
Our July 2019 winner was Kat who started a party hire business called Planet Party Kits in an effort avoid the need to use single-use plastic at parties.
In 2015, Vic Park Soup was hosted at the Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club with sponsorship from Caviar Catering.
Our 2016-2019 sponsor is The Dutch Trading Co. with the Vic Park Rotary Club. If you are interested in helping, contact us below.
Do you have a creative idea to
increase the awesomeness of Vic Park?
Do you want some cash to help get it started?
submit a proposal to vic park soup:

Soup and venue kindly donated by our sponsor The Dutch Trading Co
Bread rolls kindly donated by Victoria Park Rotary