Sustainability is one of the guiding principles of the Vic Park Collective so we were pretty excited when the Town of Vic Park (ToVP) started taking about hosting an ‘eco fair’ and event more excited when the program for the Good Day Out Sustainability Fair was launched.
Was it a Good Day Out? It certainly was, albeit a sunny one!
The sustainability-focused event was held on the afternoon of Saturday 22 October at John MacMillan Park. It brought together over 50 stall holders, all of whom met an eco-friendly criteria. There was a mend and repair guild - a seriously excellent addition to any event; information and education – like worm farms, sunflower planting, and wood carving; food and drink – with reusable plates, cutlery and glasses and onsite washing up; and eco cool entertainment – including performances by the East Vic Park Primary and our good buddies Junkadelic.
The family friendly event was a wonderful example of local government working in partnership with the local community to deliver an interesting and innovative event that responded to the needs and interests of the community – and there was a blender bike: everyone loves a bike that can make a Daiquiri…virgin, of course.
Coinciding with the national Garage Sale Trail it was the perfect opportunity for Collective Treasures (the Vic Park Collective’s ‘community market in suitcase’) to join the party, and members of the Collective were out in force talking to prospective volunteers, introducing our fabulous new limited edition merchandise (lovingly screen printed by us), and enjoying the vibe under the long afternoon shade of a Moreton Bay Fig.
A very big thanks to the ToVP for hosting the event and the local community groups and individuals who we joined on the Working Group. We look forward to more innovative and inspiring events in the future - and Town of Victoria Park, if you’re reading this, we’d really like an all ages milk crate pirate ship chill out zone next time – those kids at Junkcraft were having too much fun!